Each member shared their name, program and year and then answered a question from the Question Bowl icebreaker.
Slides about the GSU governances were shared. The GSU represents all IHPME students (300+). The GSU aims to enhance the student experience through the various events organized throughout the year and acts as a liaison between the faculty/administration and the student body. The GSU is part of the broader University of Toronto Graduate Student Union along with other course unions (70+).
Objectives for the 2019-202 year include to: 1) Foster a supportive learning environment for all IHPME students; 2) Facilitate professional development activities; and 3) Promote positive transitions.
- Role overviews and exit reports
- Shared drive
- Regular monthly meetings (date/time)
- GSU website
All members were provided with role overviews as well as the contact information for the outgoing GSU representative for their roles. Exit reports for those roles that were available were also distributed. Lydia has sent out invitations to the appropriate shared folders. GSU members can use these to save any documents pertinent to their roles.
A time for regular monthly meetings was discussed. The group seemed to like Wednesday evenings at 5pm on the weeks when MHSc cohorts were not on their class block. The committee also asked to have the same meeting time for the fall semester and then reassess in the winter when the new semester schedules begin.
Action: Flora to send out meeting invites for the September, October, and November meetings. December will constitute a Holiday Party – details to be confirmed closer to the date.
The updated GSU website was shared with members. Everyone is asked to provide feedback if they have any. The committee seemed to be open to both headshots as well as a group shot for the website.
- Welcome Back Social – Pub Night – September 3rd @ 5PM at Her Father’s Cider Bar + Kitchen
- The first Welcome Back Social will occur on Tuesday September 3rd. Dane brought up the fact that classes for that week go until 5:30pm. Therefore, the time of the social will be pushed back from 5pm to 5:30pm or 6:00pm to accommodate these students. There will be lots of food and members are asked to share this information with their cohorts. Emmanuelle and Qi signed up to help out at the social event and will arrive 15 minutes earlier to help with set-up.
2. Annual General Meeting – (third week of September most likely) @ 5PM
Annual General Meeting (AGM) for all IHPME students will be held towards the end of September. This is the time when we vote in the budget as well as any new changes to the constitution includes new Health and Wellness role that is proposed.
No other business was discussed.
- Meetings invites will be sent out by Flora for the fall semester
- Lydia to send out invitations to shared folders
- Details about the Welcome Back Social to be sent out through the listserv
- Next meeting: TBD