Category Archives: News

Volunteer Opportunity: CMHA Conference 2019

The Canadian Mental Health Association, National, is looking for student volunteers to help facilitate workshop sessions during their annual Mental Health for All Conference, which will take place this year at the Westin Harbour Castle in Toronto, ON, from September 23rd to September 25th.

Facilitator responsibilities include: 

  • Introducing presenters 
  • Making sure the session starts on time
  • Keeping presentations on time using a timer and flash cards with 5 mins, 3 mins and 1 min
  • Handing out and collecting evaluation forms
  • Signing education forms
  • Counting the number of attendees

All volunteer facilitators receive: 

  • Access to all conference workshops/activities when not facilitating 
  • Transit fare to and from the venue and/or parking 
  • Breakfast, lunch and snacks each day of the conference

Volunteer facilitators must attend all training sessions prior to the event, which will take place in early September.

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer facilitator, please email

2019-2020 Executive Team

Be sure to check out our incoming IHPME GSU Executives. We are excited and looking forward to representing you, planning educational and social events for you, continuing to run mentorship programs, and making sure your perspective is considered in institute meetings.

IHPME ACE Website Feedback Survey

The IHPME’s Accessing Centre for Expertise is looking for some feedback from students regarding their website which is currently under construction. If you have a few minutes to spare, we would appreciate if you could fill out the survey and give your feedback.

Course & Curriculum Feedback

We want to hear your feedback on IHPME’s courses and curricula. All responses collected here will remain anonymous unless you choose otherwise.

IHPME Conference Stipend

Since conference season is around the corner, we’d like to remind you of the ONE-TIME $500 conference stipend for full-time and flex-time research program Ph.D students at IHPME!